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Here is a collection of ideas. I did a general listing of ideas and small thumbnails. I later did a mind map and selecting the potential ideas fleshing them out. I decided to do a fashion shoot gone wrong and the element is wind. 

I have a a google slides of reference and ideas to explore while sketching for character and setting ideas

I did quick sketches as I want to rapidly produce a large amount of ideas quickly to have a sense of direction with the project. 

Switching medium, I did further explorations. Some are complete and incomplete. 

Here is the final designs. 

I made rough designs of the main character in the setting in a grayscale thumbnail.

Continuing with the grayscale thumbnails, I made different versions exploring what to include in the midground, foreground and background.


I made quick thumbnails storyboards.

I made quick animatic.

I did more exportation of the character interacting with the element also designing more poses to include in the animation.

final animatic

I made different animatics to explore different timings and posing.

I made the finalise character and background. I added colour to the dress to make the character standout.

work in progress


Responding to feedback, I looked at more reference of fashion runways and people tripping and falling down.

so far

Final animation


The elements project is an improvement from the last project. it was more smother than the last project. There more character acting as switching to from being a confident fashion runway to unconfident and anxious character. It was hard to visualize what the character will act using the exploring sketches. Next time I will film references too and edit them down to get the timing rights. Another thing to improve use more guides to fix the proportion of the character to be more consistent. Another thing it add is to fix the staging of the overall composition. I will used template guides such as the rule of thirds to make the staging feel more comfortable for the viewer to look at the animation. Again I am not that confident in my animation technical skills, to improve I should practice the fundamentals to gain that confidence.

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