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WhatsApp Image 2023-10-05 at 07.50.58_f9073b6e.jpg

Here are my ideas for this project. I choose the emotion overwhelm as that is what i am currently feeling at the moment so i thought that would be an powerful emotion to animation too.  

Test 1

test 2

I create two tests to try out the how i wanted figue out what i wanted from the animation. i later decided to to go straight ahead.

First pass


I create my first pass of my animation of the key frames. I then later had a guide animation to help me.

with growth

so far

This is what I presented at the tutorial. The feedback I got was is to think about composition, play with aspect ratio and add borders to my final animation.

Final Animation


This project was interesting to try. I don’t feel like my timing for this animation was not smooth as I wanted. I think it was the nature of the brief being so short and approximate to the 10secs was hard to condense down as my idea, my idea was original 30sec idea not 10sec. What I can do next time is create animatics and create more tests to make sure the animation work as well as see what to cut out my animation. Another thing to improve for next time use reference for visual style as well as what types of timing to further my animation knowledge as I am not confident in my own skills. I feel like I should practice more timing and spacing as they are the core fundamentals within my work. A positive within my work is there is some usage of anticipation for the animation. There is some readability in the drawn poses for clarity for the audience to view the animation.

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