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Push Pull & lift

Here is my push, pull and lift. I focus on the different weight shift that travel throughout the body.

Quadruped walk cycle


This is my drawing of the skeleton of a dog. I mostly focused on the bone of the joints as that is the point of rotation.  

Walk Cycle

I have done two attempts as I was not satisfied with the first version. With the second version, this was very successful. It does have some issues but with more attempt and refining it would be better.    

Run Cycle

I have done two attempts again as yet again, I was not satisfied with the first version. With the second version, this was more successful but need one more pass to refine the the run cycle.

obstacle course

I am disappointed with this attempt. Due to external factors and poor time management, I sadly was only was able to show only key frames. What I can do to improve to create a timetable to better managed my time. Also I should have clearer key poses and film references to study movement. 


Overall, this experience was eye opening as how studying not only movement as well as the bones and the anatomy. This make me realise incorporate references as well as filming my own as it will help to feel the movement of the and make my own internal calculation for timing, spacing and the other fundamentals. There is an improvement compares to last year but it is still not where I want to be sadly. What I can do it to study more using books like Timing for animation, animation survival kit and the illusion of life to further my knowledge. 

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