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At the start of production, I decided to create a weekly checklist as I changed the length of my film into a 2min film by choosing my first voiceover.  Choosing to do a 2 min film instead on of a 1min film, makes the production alot harder as there is more scenes to animate. But luckily by using shortcuts such as making most of the film stills and using boiling, a technique that requires me to draw over the lines over and over in each different frames to create a "jittery" effect. I will also use 3D models to speed up my process for me to trace over for the backgrounds to achieve the boiling effect.

I create a mind map to help me plan out what scenes I wanted to include in the new version of the film. I chose to break down each shot with using the three act structure and the Save the Cat beat sheet to simplify what shot are need for the for the film.

In Clip Studio Paint Ex, I used a template to quickly create thumbnails for the new version of the film. I also reused some shots from the old animatic. 

Acacia Take 1 (raw)Acacia Eaton Webster
00:00 / 02:02
same audio but with music and sound effectsAcacia Eaton Webster
00:00 / 02:39

I made a rough cut of the new version of the film, using the new thumbnails. I also add music and sound effects.

I created a shot list, counting how long each shot will last as well as what type of shot it would be, e.g zoom, pan etc.

floor plan 2.png
floor plan 1.png

I create a floor plan of the interior and exterior of the church to help with mapping out the layout of the camera and placement of objects.

Using Cinema 4D, I made rough layouts of churches interior and exterior. 

I made experiments with repeating textures for hair and dress. I also did experiments of my character 'unraveling'. 

My first version of the work in progress was for the reality check. It contains the first 15 secs of the beginning animation.

The second version, did not have many new shots. At this point of production, I was behind schedule. This promoted me to speed up the process and simplify the production

The third version was near the same to the second version. It didn't have many new shots.

This version of the film was presented at our final crit. All the were shots completed and all the animatic was removed.

This is the final version. I added people in the crowd scenes as well as added unravel effect to the midpoint of the story. I also reanimate the ending and added credits.

Here is screen shots from both Clip Studio Paint Ex for animation and Adobe Afters Effects for editing and effects


What I can improve with my final film is to go with my initial instinct as the story is lacking emotional impact as I chose a shorter version of my voiceover that omitted many things that needed for the story. I should have trusted the process in what felt natural to me rather feeling very pressured to ‘conform’ to a certain way of working. What also I could improve is to use references to improve the motion of certain shots. Next time, I will use more tones to add more depth to my work. I could have used Adobe Premiere to have an easier time in editing the whole film instead of Adobe After Effects due to its timeline not suited for editing and more layer management. Another thing I could improve is to adopt using my checklist more throughout production.   

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